There's no shortage of good men. Together we'll...

  • Learn things your father would have taught you had his dad taught him.
  • Meet men who are finding, trusting, and wielding their superpowers
  • Discover what it takes and what it means to feel safe and to feel safely.
  • Connect with important voices for our time.
  • Challenge your perspective with unfamiliar, bold, and unusual thinkers and their ideas.

Great things happen

when good men share ideas!

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Meet George.

Hi. It's me. George. The bottom line is that I learned at an early age that conversation is an art. Curiosity is a skill that I developed early on and is partly what makes me good at drawing the best out of people. I'm good at it because my world-view has me know that it's in there.

I've led workshops for personal and business transformation since 1985. With my beloved bride, Tracey, I co-founded our training company - Amazing International - and our charity - Voices for Love. I'm a father of two, grandfather of two, a former law maker, radio/TV personality and host, talent manager, record producer and concert promoter, and now performance and presence advisor to some of 'the world's most talented performers.

My purpose is the elevation of consciousness. I support this by gathering, training, and showcasing leaders of light wherever we find them. Getting to know fascinating people and helping share their message for the planet is just plain interesting to me. Interesting people are interesting for many reasons. Some because of what they do. Some because of how they do it. And all of them because of who they're being while they're doing it.

I'm excited to introduce you to them!



One last thing:

I've had the experience of healing through cancer twice in my life. I learned many, many things during these experiences. A few of them are that...

  • Our time here is precious.
  • We're all connected.
  • There is so much for us to teach one another.

Let's do this!